Usage on Travis CIΒΆ

Hadoop-test-cluster works great on Travis CI. Here we provide a brief example of one way to handle this.

    - |
      set -xe

      # The docker-compose version on TravisCI currently is too old for
      # hadoop-test-cluster to work. Here we Upgrade docker-compose to a
      # newer version.
      sudo rm /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
      curl -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` > docker-compose
      chmod +x docker-compose
      sudo mv docker-compose /usr/local/bin

      # Install hadoop-test-cluster
      pip install hadoop-test-cluster

      # Start the test cluster, mounting your repository on the edge node.
      htcluster startup --mount .:your-repo-name

      set +xe

    - |
      set -xe

      # Install dependencies using conda
      htcluster exec -- conda install -y numpy pandas

      # Install dependencies using pip
      htcluster exec -- pip install pytest flake8

      # Build and install your package
      htcluster exec -- pip install -v -e ./your-repo-name

      set +xe

    # Run your test suite
    - htcluster exec -- py.test -vv your-repo-name

For real repositories running this on Travis CI, see the following examples: