CLI Docs


Manage hadoop test clusters

usage: htcluster [--help] [--version] command ...
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htcluster compose

Forward commands to docker-compose

usage: htcluster compose [--image IMAGE] [--config CONFIG] [--help]
                         cmd [cmd ...]

The command to execute

--image <image>

The docker image to use to start. Either cdh5, cdh6, or the name of a custom image. Version tags are supported in the form of name:version. By default the image matching the version of htcluster will be used.

--config <config>

The config path to use. Either simple or kerberos. Default is simple.

--help, -h

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htcluster exec

Execute a command on the node as a user

usage: htcluster exec [--user USER] [--service SERVICE] [--help] cmd [cmd ...]

The command to execute

--user <user>, -u <user>

The user to login as. Default is ‘testuser’.

--service <service>, -s <service>

The service to login to. Default is ‘edge’.

--help, -h

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htcluster kerbenv

Output environment variables to setup kerberos locally.

Intended use is to eval the output in bash:

eval $(htcluster kerbenv)

usage: htcluster kerbenv [--help]
--help, -h

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htcluster login

Login to a node in the cluster.

usage: htcluster login [--user USER] [--service SERVICE] [--help]
--user <user>, -u <user>

The user to login as. Default is ‘testuser’.

--service <service>, -s <service>

The service to login to. Default is ‘edge’.

--help, -h

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htcluster shutdown

Shutdown the cluster and remove the containers.

usage: htcluster shutdown [--help]
--help, -h

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htcluster startup

Start up a hadoop cluster.

usage: htcluster startup [--image IMAGE] [--config CONFIG] [--mount MOUNT]
--image <image>

The docker image to use to start. Either cdh5, cdh6, or the name of a custom image. Version tags are supported in the form of name:version. By default the image matching the version of htcluster will be used.

--config <config>

The config path to use. Either simple or kerberos. Default is simple.

--mount <mount>, -m <mount>

Mount directory source to ~/dest by passing –mount source:dest. May be passed multiple times

--help, -h

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