CLI Docs


Package an existing virtual environment into an archive file.

usage: venv-pack [--prefix PATH] [--output PATH]
                 [--format {infer,zip,tar.gz,tgz,tar.bz2,tbz2,tar}]
                 [--python-prefix PATH] [--compress-level COMPRESS_LEVEL]
                 [--zip-symlinks] [--no-zip-64] [--exclude PATTERN]
                 [--include PATTERN] [--force] [--quiet] [--help] [--version]
--prefix <path>, -p <path>

Full path to environment prefix. Default is current environment.

--output <path>, -o <path>

The path of the output file. Defaults to the environment name with a .tar.gz suffix (e.g. my_env.tar.gz).

--format {infer,zip,tar.gz,tgz,tar.bz2,tbz2,tar}

The archival format to use. By default this is inferred by the output file extension.

--python-prefix <path>

If provided, will be used as the new prefix path for linking python in the packaged environment. Note that this is the path to the prefix, not the path to the executable (e.g. /usr/ not /usr/lib/python3.6).

--compress-level <compress_level>

The compression level to use, from 0 to 9. Higher numbers decrease output file size at the expense of compression time. Ignored for format='zip'. Default is 4.

Symbolic links aren’t supported by the Zip standard, but are supported by many common Zip implementations. If set, store symbolic links in the archive, instead of the file referred to by the link. This can avoid storing multiple copies of the same files. Note that the resulting archive may silently fail on decompression if the ``unzip`` implementation doesn’t support symlinks. Ignored if format isn’t zip.


Disable ZIP64 extensions.


Exclude files matching this pattern


Re-add excluded files matching this pattern

--force, -f

Overwrite any existing archive at the output path.

--quiet, -q

Do not report progress

--help, -h

Show this help message then exit


Show version then exit