Usage ===== ``msgspec`` supports multiple serialization protocols, accessed through separate submodules: - ``msgspec.json`` (JSON_) - ``msgspec.msgpack`` (MessagePack_) - ``msgspec.yaml`` (YAML_) - ``msgspec.toml`` (TOML_) Each supports a consistent interface, making it simple to switch between protocols as needed. Encoding -------- Each submodule has an ``encode`` method for encoding Python objects using the respective protocol. .. code-block:: python >>> import msgspec >>> # Encode as JSON ... msgspec.json.encode({"hello": "world"}) b'{"hello":"world"}' >>> # Encode as msgpack ... msgspec.msgpack.encode({"hello": "world"}) b'\x81\xa5hello\xa5world' Note that if you're making multiple calls to ``encode``, it's more efficient to create an ``Encoder`` once and use the ``Encoder.encode`` method instead. .. code-block:: python >>> import msgspec >>> # Create a JSON encoder ... encoder = msgspec.json.Encoder() >>> # Encode as JSON using the encoder ... encoder.encode({"hello": "world"}) b'{"hello":"world"}' Decoding -------- Each submodule has ``decode`` method for decoding messages using the respective protocol. .. code-block:: python >>> import msgspec >>> # Decode JSON ... msgspec.json.decode(b'{"hello":"world"}') {'hello': 'world'} >>> # Decode msgpack ... msgspec.msgpack.decode(b'\x81\xa5hello\xa5world') {'hello': 'world'} Note that if you're making multiple calls to ``decode``, it's more efficient to create a ``Decoder`` once and use the ``Decoder.decode`` method instead. .. code-block:: python >>> import msgspec >>> # Create a JSON decoder ... decoder = msgspec.json.Decoder() >>> # Decode JSON using the decoder ... decoder.decode(b'{"hello":"world"}') {'hello': 'world'} .. _typed-decoding: Typed Decoding -------------- ``msgspec`` optionally supports specifying the expected output types during decoding. This serves a few purposes: - Often serialized data has a fixed schema (e.g. a request handler in a REST api expects a certain JSON structure). Specifying the expected types allows ``msgspec`` to perform validation during decoding, with *no* added runtime cost. - Python has a much richer type system than serialization protocols like JSON_ or MessagePack_. Specifying the output types lets ``msgspec`` decode messages into types other than the defaults described above (e.g. decoding JSON objects into a :doc:`Struct ` instead of the default `dict`). - The `type annotations`_ used to describe the expected types are compatible with tools like mypy_ or pyright_, providing excellent editor integration. ``msgspec`` uses Python `type annotations`_ to describe the expected types. A :doc:`wide variety of builtin types are supported `. Here we define a user schema as a :doc:`Struct ` type. We then pass the type to ``decode`` via the ``type`` keyword argument: .. code-block:: python >>> import msgspec >>> class User(msgspec.Struct): ... name: str ... groups: set[str] = set() ... email: str | None = None >>> msgspec.json.decode( ... b'{"name": "alice", "groups": ["admin", "engineering"]}', ... type=User ... ) User(name='alice', groups={'admin', 'engineering'}, email=None) If a message doesn't match the expected type, an error is raised. .. code-block:: python >>> msgspec.json.decode( ... b'{"name": "bill", "groups": ["devops", 123]}', ... type=User ... ) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in msgspec.ValidationError: Expected `str`, got `int` - at `$.groups[1]` .. _strict-vs-lax: "Strict" vs "Lax" Mode ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Unlike some other libraries (e.g. pydantic_), ``msgspec`` won't perform any unsafe implicit conversion by default ("strict" mode). For example, if an integer is specified and a string is provided instead, an error is raised rather than attempting to cast the string to an int. .. code-block:: python >>> msgspec.json.decode(b'[1, 2, "3"]', type=list[int]) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in msgspec.ValidationError: Expected `int`, got `str` - at `$[2]` For cases where you'd like a more lax set of conversion rules, you can pass ``strict=False`` to any ``decode`` function or ``Decoder`` class ("lax" mode). See :doc:`supported-types` for information on how this affects individual types. .. code-block:: python >>> msgspec.json.decode(b'[1, 2, "3"]', type=list[int], strict=False) [1, 2, 3] .. _JSON: .. _MessagePack: .. _YAML: .. _TOML: .. _type annotations: .. _pydantic: .. _mypy: .. _pyright: