Usage with EdgeDB ================= .. image:: ../_static/edgedb.svg :width: 60% :align: center `EdgeDB `__ is an interesting new `graph-relational database `__ system. It includes a powerful and ergonomic query language `"EdgeQL" `__, along with client libraries that integrate well with their respective language ecosystems. In this example we demonstrate a few ways of integrating EdgeDB's `Python client library `__ with ``msgspec``. Setup ----- This is not intended to be a complete EdgeDB tutorial; for that we recommend going through the `official EdgeDB quickstart `__. This example assumes you already have the EdgeDB CLI and Python library installed. After cloning the ``msgspec`` repo, navigate to the ``edgedb`` example directory `here `__. Then initialize a new ``edgedb`` project. .. code-block:: bash $ edgedb project init --server-instance edgedb-msgspec-example --non-interactive This will setup a new instance and apply the example schema: .. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/edgedb/dbschema/default.esdl We then need to insert some records. This is done with the following EdgeQL query: .. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/edgedb/insert_data.edgeql To run this, execute the following: .. code-block:: bash $ edgedb query -f insert_data.edgeql JSON Encoding Query Results --------------------------- The EdgeDB Python library returns objects as ``edgedb.Object`` instances (`docs `__). Here we query the movie "Dune" that we inserted above, requesting the movie title and actors' names. .. code-block:: python >>> import edgedb >>> import msgspec >>> client = edgedb.create_client() >>> dune = client.query_single( ... """ ... SELECT Movie { ... title, ... actors: { ... name ... } ... } ... FILTER .title = 'Dune' ... LIMIT 1 ... """ ... ) >>> dune Object{title := 'Dune', actors := [Object{name := 'Timothée Chalamet'}, Object{name := 'Zendaya'}]} >>> type(dune) edgedb.Object These ``edgedb.Object`` instances are duck-type compatible with `dataclasses`, which means ``msgspec`` already knows how to JSON encode them. .. code-block:: python >>> json = msgspec.json.encode(dune) >>> print(msgspec.json.format(json.decode())) # pretty-print the JSON { "id": "b21913c4-3b68-11ee-89b0-2f0b6819503d", "title": "Dune", "actors": [ { "id": "b219195a-3b68-11ee-89b0-5b3794805cc7", "name": "Timothée Chalamet" }, { "id": "b2192058-3b68-11ee-89b0-f7d83b95fb13", "name": "Zendaya" } ] } Note that if you're immediately JSON encoding the results you may be better served by using EdgeDB's ``query_json``/``query_single_json`` methods, which return JSON strings directly (but strip the ``id`` fields). .. code-block:: python >>> edgedb_json = client.query_single_json( ... """ ... SELECT Movie { ... title, ... actors: { ... name ... } ... } ... FILTER .title = 'Dune' ... LIMIT 1 ... """ ... ) >>> edgedb_json '{"title" : "Dune", "actors" : [{"name" : "Timothée Chalamet"},{"name" : "Zendaya"}]}' If needed, this JSON string may be efficiently composed into a larger JSON object using `msgspec.Raw`. Here we add some additional outer structure wrapping the query result: .. code-block:: python >>> import datetime >>> msg = { ... "timestamp":, ... "server_version": "3.2", ... "query_result": msgspec.Raw(edgedb_json), ... } >>> json = msgspec.json.encode(msg) >>> print(msgspec.json.format(json.decode())) # pretty-print the JSON { "timestamp": "2023-08-15T14:37:12.733731Z", "server_version": "3.2", "query_result": { "title": "Dune", "actors": [ { "name": "Timothée Chalamet" }, { "name": "Zendaya" } ] } } Supporting Other EdgeDB Types ----------------------------- Besides ``edgedb.Object``, ``msgspec`` also includes builtin support for JSON encoding ``edgedb.NamedTuple`` types. There are a few remaining ``edgedb`` types that ``msgspec`` doesn't support out-of-the-box: - ``edgedb.DateDuration`` (`docs `__) - ``edgedb.RelativeDuration`` (`docs `__) JSON encoding support for these may be added through the use of :doc:`extensions <../extending>`. .. code-block:: python >>> def enc_hook(obj): ... if isinstance(obj, (edgedb.DateDuration, edgedb.RelativeDuration)): ... # The str representation of these types are ISO8601 durations, ... return str(obj) ... # Raise a NotImplementedError for unsupported types ... raise NotImplementedError >>> duration = client.query_single('SELECT "1 year 2 days"') >>> duration >>> msgspec.json.encode(duration, enc_hook=enc_hook) b'"P1Y2D"' Converting Results to Structs ----------------------------- If your application contains complex server-side logic, you may wish to convert the query results into some other application-specific structured type. ``msgspec`` supports automatic conversion to other types `msgspec.convert`. Here we'll define two `msgspec.Struct` types mirroring our Schema above: .. code-block:: python >>> class Person(msgspec.Struct): ... name: str >>> class Movie(msgspec.Struct): ... title: str ... actors: list[Person] We can then convert the ``edgedb.Object`` results into our ``Struct`` types using `msgspec.convert`. Note that the same conversion process would work if ``Person`` or ``Movie`` were defined as `dataclasses` or `attrs` types instead. .. code-block:: python >>> msgspec.convert(dune, Movie, from_attributes=True) Movie(title='Dune', actors=[Person(name='Timothée Chalamet'), Person(name='Zendaya')]) These structs may then be used to implement application logic (mutating/combining them as needed) before serializing the output to JSON.