Asyncio TCP Key-Value Server ============================ This example demonstrates writing a small TCP server and client using `asyncio` and ``msgspec``. The server defines a few operations: - ``get(key: str) -> str | None``: get the value for a single key from the store if it exists. - ``put(key: str, val: str) -> None``: add a new key-value pair to the store. - ``delete(key: str) -> None``: delete a key-value pair from the store if it exists. - ``list_keys() -> list[str]``: list all the keys currently set in the store. Each operation has a corresponding request type defined as a :doc:`Struct <../structs>` type. Note that these structs are :ref:`tagged ` so they can be part of a ``Union`` of all request types the server handles. `msgspec.msgpack` is used to handle the encoding/decoding of the various messages. The length of each message is prefixed to each message (`Length-prefix framing `__) to make it easier to efficiently determine message boundaries. The full example source can be found `here `__. .. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/asyncio-kv/ :language: python An example usage session: **Server** .. code-block:: shell $ python Serving on tcp:// Connection opened Connection closed **Client** .. code-block:: ipython3 In [1]: from kv import Client In [2]: client = await Client.create() In [3]: await client.put("foo", "bar") In [4]: await client.put("fizz", "buzz") In [5]: await client.get("foo") Out[5]: 'bar' In [6]: await client.list_keys() Out[6]: ['fizz', 'foo'] In [7]: await client.delete("fizz") In [8]: await client.list_keys() Out[8]: ['foo']