Constraints =========== When using :ref:`typed-decoding` ``msgspec`` will ensure decoded messages match the specified types. For example, to decode a list of integers from JSON: .. code-block:: python >>> import msgspec >>> msgspec.json.decode(b"[1, 2, 3]", type=list[int]) [1, 2, 3] >>> msgspec.json.decode(b'[1, 2, "oops"]', type=list[int]) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in msgspec.ValidationError: Expected `int`, got `str` - at `$[2]` Often this is sufficient, but sometimes you also need to impose constraints on the *values* (rather than the *types*) found in the message. Constraints in ``msgspec`` are specified by wrapping a type with `typing.Annotated`, and adding a `msgspec.Meta` annotation. For example, to constrain the list to positive integers (``> 0``), you'd make use of the ``gt`` (greater-than) constraint: .. code-block:: python >>> from typing import Annotated >>> PositiveInt = Annotated[int, msgspec.Meta(gt=0)] >>> msgspec.json.decode(b'[1, 2, 3]', type=list[PositiveInt]) [1, 2, 3] >>> msgspec.json.decode(b'[1, 2, -1]', type=list[PositiveInt]) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in msgspec.ValidationError: Expected `int` >= 1 - at `$[2]` Constraints can be combined to enforce complex requirements. Here's a more complete example enforcing the following constraints on a ``User`` struct: - ``name`` is a ``str`` with ``1 <= length <= 32`` matching the regular expression ``"^[a-z_][a-z0-9_-]*$"``. - ``groups`` is a ``set`` of at most 16 strings, each with the same constraints as ``name`` above, defaulting to the empty ``set``. - ``cpu_limit`` is a ``float`` with a value ``>= 0.1`` and ``<= 8``, defaulting to 1. - ``mem_limit`` is an ``int`` with a value ``>= 256`` and ``<= 8192``, defaulting to 1024. .. code-block:: python from typing import Annotated from msgspec import Struct, Meta UnixName = Annotated[ str, Meta(min_length=1, max_length=32, pattern="^[a-z_][a-z0-9_-]*$") ] class User(Struct): name: UnixName groups: Annotated[set[UnixName], Meta(max_length=16)] = set() cpu_limit: Annotated[float, Meta(ge=0.1, le=8)] = 1 mem_limit: Annotated[int, Meta(ge=256, le=8192)] = 1024 As shown above, ``Annotated`` types can applied inline, or used to create type aliases and then reused elsewhere (as done with ``UnixName``). The following constraints are supported: Numeric Constraints ------------------- These constraints are valid on `int` or `float` types: - ``ge``: The value must be greater than or equal to ``ge``. - ``gt``: The value must be greater than ``gt``. - ``le``: The value must be less than or equal to ``le``. - ``lt``: The value must be less than ``lt``. - ``multiple_of``: The value must be a multiple of ``multiple_of``. .. code-block:: python >>> import msgspec >>> from typing import Annotated >>> msgspec.json.decode(b'-1', type=Annotated[int, msgspec.Meta(ge=0)]) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in msgspec.ValidationError: Expected `int` >= 0 .. warning:: While ``multiple_of`` works on ``float`` types, we don't recommend specifying *non-integral* ``multiple_of`` constraints, as they may be erroneously marked as invalid due to floating point precision issues. For example, annotating a ``float`` type with ``multiple_of=10`` is fine, but ``multiple_of=0.1`` may lead to issues. See `this GitHub issue `_ for more details. String Constraints ------------------ These constraints are valid on `str` types: - ``min_length``: The minimum valid length, inclusive. - ``max_length``: The maximum valid length, inclusive. - ``pattern``: A regular expression pattern that the value must match. Note that patterns are treated as *unanchored*. This means that the pattern "es" matches not just "es" but also "expression". If required, you must explicitly anchor the pattern by adding a "^" prefix and "$" suffix. For example, the pattern "^es$" only matches the string "es" .. code-block:: python >>> import msgspec >>> from typing import Annotated >>> msgspec.json.decode( ... b'"invalid username"', ... type=Annotated[str, msgspec.Meta(pattern="^[a-z0-9_]*$")] ... ) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in msgspec.ValidationError: Expected `str` matching regex '^[a-z0-9_]*$' .. _datetime-constraints: Datetime Constraints -------------------- These constraints are valid on `datetime.datetime` and `datetime.time` types: - ``tz``: Whether the annotated type is required to be timezone-aware_. Set to ``True`` to require timezone-aware values, or ``False`` to require timezone-naive values. The default is ``None``, which accepts either timezone-aware or timezone-naive values. .. code-block:: python >>> import msgspec >>> from datetime import datetime >>> from typing import Annotated >>> msgspec.json.decode( ... b'"2022-04-02T18:18:10"', ... type=Annotated[datetime, msgspec.Meta(tz=True)] # require timezone aware ... ) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in msgspec.ValidationError: Expected `datetime` with a timezone component >>> msgspec.json.decode( ... b'"2022-04-02T18:18:10-06:00"', ... type=Annotated[datetime, msgspec.Meta(tz=False)] # require timezone naive ... ) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in msgspec.ValidationError: Expected `datetime` with no timezone component Bytes Constraints ----------------- These constraints are valid on `bytes` and `bytearray` types: - ``min_length``: The minimum valid length, inclusive. - ``max_length``: The maximum valid length, inclusive. .. code-block:: python >>> import msgspec >>> from typing import Annotated >>> msgspec.json.decode( ... b'"ZXhhbXBsZQ=="', ... type=Annotated[bytes, msgspec.Meta(min_length=10)] ... ) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in msgspec.ValidationError: Expected `bytes` of length >= 10 Sequence Constraints -------------------- These constraints are valid on `list`, `tuple`, `set`, and `frozenset` types: - ``min_length``: The minimum valid length, inclusive. - ``max_length``: The maximum valid length, inclusive. .. code-block:: python >>> import msgspec >>> from typing import Annotated >>> msgspec.json.decode( ... b'[1, 2, 3, 4]', ... type=Annotated[list[int], msgspec.Meta(max_length=3)] ... ) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in msgspec.ValidationError: Expected `array` of length <= 3 Mapping Constraints ------------------- These constraints are valid on `dict` types: - ``min_length``: The minimum valid length, inclusive. - ``max_length``: The maximum valid length, inclusive. .. code-block:: python >>> import msgspec >>> from typing import Annotated >>> msgspec.json.decode( ... b'{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3, "d": 4}', ... type=Annotated[dict[str, int], msgspec.Meta(max_length=3)] ... ) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in msgspec.ValidationError: Expected `object` of length <= 3 .. _timezone-aware: