Benchmarks ========== .. note:: Benchmarks are *hard*. Repeatedly calling the same function in a tight loop will lead to the instruction cache staying hot and branches being highly predictable. That's not representative of real world access patterns. It's also hard to write a nonbiased benchmark. I wrote msgspec, naturally whatever benchmark I publish it's going to perform well in. Even so, people like to see benchmarks. I've tried to be as nonbiased as I can be, and the results hopefully indicate a few tradeoffs you make when you choose different serialization formats. I encourage you to write your own benchmarks before making these decisions. In all cases benchmarks were run on my local development machine (a ~2020 x86 Linux laptop) using CPython 3.11. JSON Serialization & Validation ------------------------------- This benchmark covers the common case when working with ``msgspec`` or other validation libraries. It measures two things: - Decoding some JSON input, validating it against a schema, and converting it into user-friendly python objects. - Encoding these same python objects back into JSON. The data we're working with has the following schema (defined here using `msgspec.Struct` types): .. code-block:: python import enum import datetime import msgspec class Permissions(enum.Enum): READ = "READ" WRITE = "WRITE" READ_WRITE = "READ_WRITE" class File(msgspec.Struct, kw_only=True, tag="file"): name: str created_by: str created_at: datetime.datetime updated_by: str | None = None updated_at: datetime.datetime | None = None nbytes: int permissions: Permissions class Directory(msgspec.Struct, kw_only=True, tag="directory"): name: str created_by: str created_at: datetime.datetime updated_by: str | None = None updated_at: datetime.datetime | None = None contents: list[File | Directory] The libraries we're comparing are the following: - msgspec_ (0.18.5) - mashumaro_ (3.11) - pydantic_ (both 1.10.13 and 2.5.2) - cattrs_ (23.2.3) Each benchmark creates a message containing one or more ``File``/``Directory`` instances, then then serializes, deserializes, and validates it in a loop. The full benchmark source can be found `here `__. .. raw:: html
In this benchmark ``msgspec`` is ~6x faster than ``mashumaro``, ~10x faster than ``cattrs``, and ~12x faster than ``pydantic`` V2, and ~85x faster than ``pydantic`` V1. This plot shows the performance benefit of performing type validation during message decoding (as done by ``msgspec``) rather than as a secondary step with a third-party library like cattrs_ or pydantic_ V1. Validating after decoding is slower for two reasons: - It requires traversing over the entire output structure a second time (which can be slow due to pointer chasing) - It may require converting some python objects to their desired output types (e.g. converting a decoded `dict` to a pydantic_ model), resulting in allocating many temporary python objects. In contrast, libraries like ``msgspec`` that validate during decoding have none of these issues. Only a single pass over the decoded data is taken, and the specified output types are created correctly the first time, avoiding the need for additional unnecessary allocations. This benefit also shows up in the memory usage for the same benchmark: .. raw:: html
Here we compare the peak increase in memory usage (RSS) after loading the schemas and data. ``msgspec``'s small library size, schema representation, and in-memory state means it uses a fraction of the memory of other tools. .. _json-benchmark: JSON Serialization ------------------ ``msgspec`` includes its own high performance JSON library, which may be used by itself as a replacement for the standard library's `json.dumps`/`json.loads` functions. Here we compare msgspec's JSON implementation against several other popular Python JSON libraries. - msgspec_ (0.18.5) - orjson_ (3.9.10) - ujson_ (5.9.0) - rapidjson_ (1.13) - simdjson_ (5.0.2) - json_ (standard library) The full benchmark source can be found `here `__. .. raw:: html
In this case ``msgspec structs`` (which measures ``msgspec`` with ``msgspec.Struct`` schemas pre-defined) is the fastest. When used without schemas, ``msgspec`` is on-par with ``orjson`` (the next fastest JSON library). This shows that ``msgspec`` is able to decode JSON faster when a schema is provided. Due to a more efficient in memory representation, JSON decoding AND schema validation with ``msgspec`` than just JSON decoding alone. .. _msgpack-benchmark: MessagePack Serialization ------------------------- Likewise, ``msgspec`` includes its own high performance MessagePack_ library, which may be used by itself without requiring usage of any of msgspec's validation machinery. Here we compare msgspec's MessagePack implementation against several other popular Python MessagePack libraries. - msgspec_ (0.18.5) - msgpack_ (1.0.7) - ormsgpack_ (1.4.1) .. raw:: html
As with the JSON benchmark above, ``msgspec`` with a schema provided (``msgspec structs``) is faster than ``msgspec`` with no schema. In both cases though ``msgspec`` is measurably faster than other Python MessagePack libraries like ``msgpack`` or ``ormsgpack``. JSON Serialization - Large Data ------------------------------- Here we benchmark loading a `large JSON file `__ (~77 MiB) containing information on all the ``noarch`` packages in conda-forge_. We compare the following libraries: - msgspec_ (0.18.5) - orjson_ (3.9.10) - ujson_ (5.9.0) - rapidjson_ (1.13) - simdjson_ (5.0.2) - json_ (standard library) For each library, we measure both the peak increase in memory usage (RSS) and the time to JSON decode the file. The full benchmark source can be found `here `__. **Results (smaller is better):** +---------------------+--------------+------+-----------+------+ | | memory (MiB) | vs. | time (ms) | vs. | +=====================+==============+======+===========+======+ | **msgspec structs** | 67.6 | 1.0x | 176.8 | 1.0x | +---------------------+--------------+------+-----------+------+ | **msgspec** | 218.3 | 3.2x | 630.5 | 3.6x | +---------------------+--------------+------+-----------+------+ | **json** | 295.0 | 4.4x | 868.6 | 4.9x | +---------------------+--------------+------+-----------+------+ | **ujson** | 349.1 | 5.2x | 1087.0 | 6.1x | +---------------------+--------------+------+-----------+------+ | **rapidjson** | 375.0 | 5.6x | 1004.0 | 5.7x | +---------------------+--------------+------+-----------+------+ | **orjson** | 406.3 | 6.0x | 691.7 | 3.9x | +---------------------+--------------+------+-----------+------+ | **simdjson** | 603.2 | 8.9x | 1053.0 | 6.0x | +---------------------+--------------+------+-----------+------+ - ``msgspec`` decoding into :doc:`Struct ` types uses the least amount of memory, and is also the fastest to decode. This makes sense; ``Struct`` types are cheaper to allocate and more memory efficient than ``dict`` types, and for large messages these differences can really add up. - ``msgspec`` decoding without a schema is the second best option for both memory usage and speed. When decoding without a schema, ``msgspec`` makes the assumption that the underlying message probably still has some structure; short dict keys are temporarily cached to be reused later on, rather than reallocated every time. This means that instead of allocating 10,000 copies of the string ``"name"``, only a single copy is allocated and reused. For large messages this can lead to significant memory savings. ``json`` and ``orjson`` also use similar optimizations, but not as effectively. - ``orjson`` and ``simdjson`` use 6-9x more memory than ``msgspec`` in this benchmark. In addition to the reasons above, both of these decoders require copying the original message into a temporary buffer. In this case, the extra copy adds an extra 77 MiB of overhead! .. _struct-benchmark: Structs ------- Here we benchmark common `msgspec.Struct` operations, comparing their performance against other similar libraries. The cases compared are: - Standard Python classes - dataclasses_ - msgspec_ (0.18.5) - attrs_ (23.1.0) - pydantic_ (2.5.2) For each library, the following operations are benchmarked: - Time to define a new class. Many libraries that abstract away class boilerplate add overhead when defining classes, slowing import times for libraries that make use of these classes. - Time to create an instance of that class. - Time to compare two instances for equality (``==``/``!=``). - Time to compare two instances for order (``<``/``>``/``<=``/``>=``) The full benchmark source can be found `here `__. **Results (smaller is better):** +----------------------+-------------+-------------+---------------+------------+ | | import (μs) | create (μs) | equality (μs) | order (μs) | +======================+=============+=============+===============+============+ | **msgspec** | 12.51 | 0.09 | 0.02 | 0.03 | +----------------------+-------------+-------------+---------------+------------+ | **standard classes** | 7.88 | 0.35 | 0.08 | 0.16 | +----------------------+-------------+-------------+---------------+------------+ | **attrs** | 483.10 | 0.37 | 0.14 | 1.87 | +----------------------+-------------+-------------+---------------+------------+ | **dataclasses** | 506.09 | 0.36 | 0.14 | 0.16 | +----------------------+-------------+-------------+---------------+------------+ | **pydantic** | 673.47 | 1.54 | 0.60 | N/A | +----------------------+-------------+-------------+---------------+------------+ - Standard Python classes are the fastest to import (any library can only add overhead here). Still, ``msgspec`` isn't *that* much slower, especially compared to other options. - Structs are optimized to be cheap to create, and that shows for the creation benchmark. They're roughly 4x faster than standard classes/``attrs``/``dataclasses``, and 17x faster than ``pydantic``. - For equality comparison, msgspec Structs are roughly 4x to 30x faster than the alternatives. - For order comparison, msgspec Structs are roughly 5x to 60x faster than the alternatives. .. _struct-gc-benchmark: Garbage Collection ------------------ `msgspec.Struct` instances implement several optimizations for reducing garbage collection (GC) pressure and decreasing memory usage. Here we benchmark structs (with and without :ref:`gc=False `) against standard Python classes (with and without `__slots__ `__). For each option we create a large dictionary containing many simple instances of the benchmarked type, then measure: - The amount of time it takes to do a full garbage collection (gc) pass - The total amount of memory used by this data structure The full benchmark source can be found `here `__. **Results (smaller is better):** +-----------------------------------+--------------+-------------------+ | | GC time (ms) | Memory Used (MiB) | +===================================+==============+===================+ | **standard class** | 80.46 | 211.66 | +-----------------------------------+--------------+-------------------+ | **standard class with __slots__** | 80.06 | 120.11 | +-----------------------------------+--------------+-------------------+ | **msgspec struct** | 13.96 | 120.11 | +-----------------------------------+--------------+-------------------+ | **msgspec struct with gc=False** | 1.07 | 104.85 | +-----------------------------------+--------------+-------------------+ - Standard Python classes are the most memory hungry (since all data is stored in an instance dict). They also result in the largest GC pause, as the GC has to traverse the entire outer dict, each class instance, and each instance dict. All that pointer chasing has a cost. - Standard classes with ``__slots__`` are less memory hungry, but still results in an equivalent GC pauses. - `msgspec.Struct` instances have the same memory layout as a class with ``__slots__`` (and thus have the same memory usage), but due to deferred GC tracking a full GC pass completes in a fraction of the time. - `msgspec.Struct` instances with ``gc=False`` have the lowest memory usage (lack of GC reduces memory by 16 bytes per instance). They also have the lowest GC pause (75x faster than standard classes!) since the entire composing dict can be skipped during GC traversal. .. _benchmark-library-size: Library Size ------------ Here we compare the on-disk size of ``msgspec`` and ``pydantic``, its closest equivalent. The full benchmark source can be found `here `__. **Results (smaller is better)** +--------------+---------+------------+-------------+ | | version | size (MiB) | vs. msgspec | +==============+=========+============+=============+ | **msgspec** | 0.18.4 | 0.46 | 1.00x | +--------------+---------+------------+-------------+ | **pydantic** | 2.5.2 | 6.71 | 14.66x | +--------------+---------+------------+-------------+ For applications where dependency size matters, ``msgspec`` is roughly 15x smaller on disk. .. raw:: html .. raw:: html .. _msgspec: .. _msgpack: .. _ormsgpack: .. _MessagePack: .. _orjson: .. _json: .. _simdjson: .. _ujson: .. _rapidjson: .. _attrs: .. _dataclasses: .. _pydantic: .. _cattrs: .. _mashumaro: .. _conda-forge: