Jim Crist-Harif

Exploring ScotRail Audio Clips using Ibis-Datasette

Posted on August 24, 2022

Note: This blogpost is available as an interactive notebook here.


In the previous post we introduced ibis-datasette. To recap:

In this post, we'll use ibis and ibis-datasette to explore the ScotRail datasette.

This datasette is super fun to play around with. It's composed of ~2400 different audioclips (and transcriptions) from Scottish train operator ScotRail's automated station announcements.

If you haven't seen it, I encourage you to read Simon Willison's excellent blogpost on putting this datasette together, and some interesting queries to try (we'll be replicating one of these below).

While you can use the datasette UI directly, I wanted to use ibis and the full power of Python to explore and build some interesting things.


First we start with some imports and initialization.

Here we:

In [1]: import ibis
...: from ibis import _

In [2]: ibis.options.interactive = True

In [3]: import pandas as pd
...: pd.set_option('max_colwidth', 400)

Next we need to connect to the datasette. This is done by passing the full URL to ibis.datasette.connect:

In [4]: con = ibis.datasette.connect("https://scotrail.datasette.io/scotrail")

Once connected, we can start poking around.

The first thing I usually do when exploring a new dataset is examine the tables and schemas.

In [5]: con.list_tables()

In [6]: con.tables.announcements.schema()
ibis.Schema {
  File           string
  Transcription  string
  Category       string
  mp3            string
  Notes          string
  Timestamp      string
  NRE_ID         string

In [7]:  con.tables.announcements.head()
   File                              Transcription Category  ...                      Notes Timestamp NRE_ID
0  0031            I am sorry to announce that the  Apology  ...
1  0085          We are sorry to announce that the  Apology  ...  Most frequently used file
2  1339              We are sorry to announce that  Apology  ...
3  1488  we apologise for the inconvenience caused  Apology  ...
4  1524                  Apologies to customers...  Apology  ...

[5 rows x 7 columns]

The main table is announcements, the most interesting columns of which are:

Since we're going to be accessing this table a lot below, lets save it to a shorter local variable name:

In [8]: t = con.tables.announcements

To get a better sense of the scale of data we're working with, lets take a closer look at the Category column.

I want to know how many categories there are, and how the audio clips are distributed across these categories.

To do this, we can use:

In [9]: category_counts = (
   ...:     t.group_by("Category")
   ...:      .count()
   ...:      .sort_by(ibis.desc("count"))
   ...: )
   ...: category_counts
                    Category  count
0                Destination   1271
1                     Reason    421
2                       Time    161
3      Passenger information    153
4                     Number    102
5    Train operating company     76
6       Platform information     67
7                 Conjoining     66
8                    Weather     30
9                     Safety     15
10           Train formation     14
11             Special train     12
12               Operational     10
13                   Apology      8
14          Fare information      7
15               Platform ID      7
16          Heritage Railway      6
17              Number combo      4
18                 Non-vocal      3
19         Strathclyde metro      3
20              Request stop      2
21                   Station      1
22  Train operating company       1

Here we can see there are 23 categories, with 90% of the audio clips falling into the first 6. A few categories to highlight:

The Reason category is the most fun to look through. There are all sorts of reasons a train might be cancelled, from "Sheep on the railway" to "A wartime bomb near the railway".

One reoccuring reason is theft (err, "attempted theft") of various things. Lets find all reasons involving "theft".

This can be done by using .filter() to filter rows based on a predicate. Here we need two predicates:

In [10]: thefts = t.filter((_.Category == "Reason") & _.Transcription.contains("theft"))
    ...: thefts
    File                                                             Transcription  ... Timestamp NRE_ID
0   0969                Attempted theft of overhead line electrification equipment  ...
1   0970  Attempted theft of overhead line electrification equipment earlier today  ...
2   0971      Attempted theft of overhead line electrification equipment yesterday  ...
3   0972                                      Attempted theft of railway equipment  ...
4   0973                        Attempted theft of railway equipment earlier today  ...
5   0974                            Attempted theft of railway equipment yesterday  ...
6   0975                                      Attempted theft of signalling cables  ...
7   0976                        Attempted theft of signalling cables earlier today  ...
8   0977                            Attempted theft of signalling cables yesterday  ...
9   0978                   Attempted theft of third rail electrification equipment  ...
10  0979     Attempted theft of third rail electrification equipment earlier today  ...
11  0980         Attempted theft of third rail electrification equipment yesterday  ...

[12 rows x 7 columns]

All of these rows also include a link to an mp3 file containing that clip. To play a clip in a jupyter notebook, we can make use of IPython.display.Audio. For example, lets play the first clip from above:

In [12]: from IPython.display import Audio
    ...: mp3_url = thefts.limit(1).execute().mp3.iloc[0]
    ...: Audio(mp3_url)

Generating a Random Apology

In his blogpost Simon wrote up a SQL query for generating a Random apology by combining a few random rows from different categories above. It generates surprisingly coherent sentences, you can see the datasette version here.

If you're interested you can click "show" at the top to see the full SQL query - it's readable, but a bit long.

I wanted to reproduce the same query using ibis. Since ibis is just a Python library, you can make use of things like functions to abstract away some of the repetitiveness in the SQL query above.

Here's what I came up with:

In [12]: def random(category):
    ...:     """Select a random row from a given category"""
    ...:     return (
    ...:         t.filter(_.Category == category)
    ...:          .sort_by(ibis.random())
    ...:          .select("Transcription", "mp3")
    ...:          .limit(1)
    ...:     )
    ...: def phrase(text):
    ...:     """Select a row with a specific transcription"""
    ...:     return (
    ...:         t.filter(_.Transcription == text)
    ...:          .select("Transcription", "mp3")
    ...:          .limit(1)
    ...:     )
    ...: query = ibis.union(
    ...:     random("Apology"),
    ...:     random("Train operating company"),
    ...:     random("Destination"),
    ...:     phrase("has been cancelled"),
    ...:     phrase("due to"),
    ...:     random("Reason"),
    ...: )

Since the query selects random rows, if you run the cell below multiple times, you should see different results every time:

In [13]: query.execute()
                     Transcription                                                                                            mp3
0  I am sorry to announce that the  https://github.com/matteason/scotrail-announcements-june-2022/raw/main/announcements/1529.mp3
1              Southeastern Trains  https://github.com/matteason/scotrail-announcements-june-2022/raw/main/announcements/0201.mp3
2                          Dawlish  https://github.com/matteason/scotrail-announcements-june-2022/raw/main/announcements/0702.mp3
3               has been cancelled  https://github.com/matteason/scotrail-announcements-june-2022/raw/main/announcements/0340.mp3
4                           due to  https://github.com/matteason/scotrail-announcements-june-2022/raw/main/announcements/1528.mp3
5    A person being hit by a train  https://github.com/matteason/scotrail-announcements-june-2022/raw/main/announcements/0834.mp3

If we wanted to do all computation in the backend, we could use group_concat (docs) to then concatenate the Transcription rows together, returning a single string:

In [14]: random_apology = query.Transcription.group_concat(" ")
    ...: random_apology
Out[14]: 'we apologise for the inconvenience caused East Midlands Cartsdyke has
been cancelled due to A train not stopping in the correct position at a station'

Note that the full query above is translated to SQL and executed on the datasette server, no computation is happening locally.

If you want to see the generated SQL, you can use the ibis.show_sql function. It's much longer than the Python code that generated it:

In [15]: ibis.show_sql(random_apology)
WITH anon_1 AS (
    t1."Transcription" AS "Transcription",
    t1.mp3 AS mp3
  FROM (
      t2."File" AS "File",
      t2."Transcription" AS "Transcription",
      t2."Category" AS "Category",
      t2.mp3 AS mp3,
      t2."Notes" AS "Notes",
      t2."Timestamp" AS "Timestamp",
      t2."NRE_ID" AS "NRE_ID"
    FROM main.announcements AS t2
      t2."Category" = 'Apology'
  ) AS t1
), anon_2 AS (
    t1."Transcription" AS "Transcription",
    t1.mp3 AS mp3
  FROM (
      t2."File" AS "File",
      t2."Transcription" AS "Transcription",
      t2."Category" AS "Category",
      t2.mp3 AS mp3,
      t2."Notes" AS "Notes",
      t2."Timestamp" AS "Timestamp",
      t2."NRE_ID" AS "NRE_ID"
    FROM main.announcements AS t2
      t2."Category" = 'Train operating company'
  ) AS t1
), anon_3 AS (
    t1."Transcription" AS "Transcription",
    t1.mp3 AS mp3
  FROM (
      t2."File" AS "File",
      t2."Transcription" AS "Transcription",
      t2."Category" AS "Category",
      t2.mp3 AS mp3,
      t2."Notes" AS "Notes",
      t2."Timestamp" AS "Timestamp",
      t2."NRE_ID" AS "NRE_ID"
    FROM main.announcements AS t2
      t2."Category" = 'Destination'
  ) AS t1
), anon_4 AS (
    t1."Transcription" AS "Transcription",
    t1.mp3 AS mp3
  FROM (
      t2."File" AS "File",
      t2."Transcription" AS "Transcription",
      t2."Category" AS "Category",
      t2.mp3 AS mp3,
      t2."Notes" AS "Notes",
      t2."Timestamp" AS "Timestamp",
      t2."NRE_ID" AS "NRE_ID"
    FROM main.announcements AS t2
      t2."Transcription" = 'has been cancelled'
  ) AS t1
), anon_5 AS (
    t1."Transcription" AS "Transcription",
    t1.mp3 AS mp3
  FROM (
      t2."File" AS "File",
      t2."Transcription" AS "Transcription",
      t2."Category" AS "Category",
      t2.mp3 AS mp3,
      t2."Notes" AS "Notes",
      t2."Timestamp" AS "Timestamp",
      t2."NRE_ID" AS "NRE_ID"
    FROM main.announcements AS t2
      t2."Transcription" = 'due to'
  ) AS t1
), anon_6 AS (
    t1."Transcription" AS "Transcription",
    t1.mp3 AS mp3
  FROM (
      t2."File" AS "File",
      t2."Transcription" AS "Transcription",
      t2."Category" AS "Category",
      t2.mp3 AS mp3,
      t2."Notes" AS "Notes",
      t2."Timestamp" AS "Timestamp",
      t2."NRE_ID" AS "NRE_ID"
    FROM main.announcements AS t2
      t2."Category" = 'Reason'
  ) AS t1
  GROUP_CONCAT(t0."Transcription", ' ') AS tmp
    anon_1."Transcription" AS "Transcription",
    anon_1.mp3 AS mp3
  FROM anon_1
    anon_2."Transcription" AS "Transcription",
    anon_2.mp3 AS mp3
  FROM anon_2
    anon_3."Transcription" AS "Transcription",
    anon_3.mp3 AS mp3
  FROM anon_3
    anon_4."Transcription" AS "Transcription",
    anon_4.mp3 AS mp3
  FROM anon_4
    anon_5."Transcription" AS "Transcription",
    anon_5.mp3 AS mp3
  FROM anon_5
    anon_6."Transcription" AS "Transcription",
    anon_6.mp3 AS mp3
  FROM anon_6
) AS t0

However, we're only using ibis to push the bulk of the computation to the backend. We don't need to handle everything in SQL, only enough to reduce the size of the results to something reasonable to return from the datasette server.

We also have access to the full Python ecosystem to process results. This lets us do some things that wouldn't be possible in SQL alone, like concatenating mp3 files :).

A "Random Apology" Button

The ipywidgets library provides support for building simple UIs in Python, with the rendering handled by the notebook. This is nice for me, as I am not a web engineer - I'm a novice at best at javascript/html. However, I do know how to write Python.

Below we hack together a quick UI with ipywidgets to make a button for generating a random apology, complete with a merged mp3 file so you can listen to your work. You don't really need to understand this code, it has nothing to do with ibis or ibis-datasette itself.

Clicking the button will pull generate a new random apology, download and merge the mp3 files, and display both the apology sentence and merged mp3.

Obviously this can't run for real in a static blogpost (it's most interesting in the interactive notebook on mybinder). To work around that, we include a single generated audio clip below.

In [16]: import tempfile
    ...: import os
    ...: import pydub
    ...: import httpx
    ...: import ipywidgets
    ...: from IPython.display import Audio, display
    ...: output = ipywidgets.Output()
    ...: button = ipywidgets.Button(description='Random Apology', icon="repeat")
    ...: UI = ipywidgets.VBox([button, output])
    ...: def concatenate_mp3s(urls: list[str]) -> bytes:
    ...:     with httpx.Client(follow_redirects=True) as client, tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
    ...:         output = None
    ...:         for i, url in enumerate(urls):
    ...:             path = os.path.join(tempdir, f"part{i}.mp3")
    ...:             with open(path, "wb") as f:
    ...:                 resp = client.get(url)
    ...:                 resp.raise_for_status()
    ...:                 f.write(resp.content)
    ...:             part = pydub.AudioSegment.from_mp3(path)
    ...:             if output is None:
    ...:                 output = part
    ...:             else:
    ...:                 output = output + part
    ...:         out_path = os.path.join(tempdir, "output.mp3")
    ...:         output.export(out_path, format="mp3")
    ...:         with open(out_path, "rb") as f:
    ...:             return f.read()
    ...: @button.on_click
    ...: def on_click(*args):
    ...:     output.clear_output()
    ...:     result = query.execute()
    ...:     msg = " ".join(result.Transcription)
    ...:     mp3 = concatenate_mp3s(result.mp3)
    ...:     with output:
    ...:         print(msg)
    ...:         display(Audio(mp3))
    ...: UI
I am sorry to announce that the Midland Mainline Turbostar service from
Mitcham Eastfields has been cancelled due to The train conductor being
taken ill


datasette makes it easier to publish accessible open data on the web, with a UI exposed for writing SQL queries. However, not everyone is extremely SQL literate (myself included). ibis and ibis-datasette let Python programmers access this same data resource, but through a familiar dataframe-like interface.

Interested in ibis or ibis-datasette? Please feel free to reach out on github or twitter.